2023 has certainly started with one of the projects we love more.

The people who are following us for a long time, know perfectly our growing commitment on planet help, today and for the future.

For this reason we have decided, thanks to the collaboration with Treedom, to plant 500 trees in Nepal, Camerum, Colombia, Tanzania, Guatemala and Kenya.

The trees planted in the FASS forest will be able to absorb up to 107,250 kg of CO2 over the first ten years of life.

But it’s not all!

The trees will be planted in agroforestry systems. Why? Because the trees are added to annual crops already existing at the base of the local peasant families sustenance.

The trees integration allows to not damage or alter the crops and also gives farmers the opportunity to increase the resources at their disposal, both for their own supply and therefore for the enrichment of their diet. Last but not least, they can diversify their income having more socio-economic possibilities.

The trees, in fact, and the fruits they will produce, will remain the property of the farmers.

They also help retain humidity in the soil and thus promote crop growth. Strategically located, they help to delimit crops defending them from the most extreme climatic events.

How is our FASS 4 Forest project implemented?

The idea of ​​giving our contribution to the environment has always been our priority, made possible since the birth of the Natural Green Kit, where 100% of the materials used hail from a post-industrial and/or post-consumer conversion process and where plastic packaging is completely eliminated.

With FASS 4 Forest project, for every Natural Green Kit purchased, we will plant a tree that the kit purchaser will receive as a gift.

In this way you will help us to improve the planet with every purchase: we count on you!

FASS news for Ambiente 2023

Ambiente is the place to be every time that FASS introduces its news on the market.

R&D team, aligning itself with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contained in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, has expanded the NATURAL GREEN eco-sustainable line, contributing to the changement of the current development model based on unlimited consumption growth and on the waste culture.

Together with the new recycled products, FASS will introduce its completely renewed range of products, with a particular focus on the mop world and on the revolutionary Tailor-Made customization of every item.

The new stand has been thought and projected to launch in the best way possible the new products, with a welcome Italian lounge area for all the customers.


Francesca ormai non può più fare a meno dei MOP del kit Natural Green.

Nel video ci racconta tutte le caratteristiche di ognuno:
– Il MOP in microfibra
– Il MOP con fibre completamente in cotone
– Il terzo che è un mix di entrambi quindi sia microfibra che cotone

La linea Natural Green eletta prodotto dell’anno 2022* è inoltre composta da prodotti sostenibili realizzati da materiali riciclati.

Guarda il video per scoprire nel dettaglio tutte le caratteristiche!

*𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘢 𝘴𝘶 12.000 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘴𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘵𝘢 𝘥𝘢 𝘐𝘙𝘐, 𝘴𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘻𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘪 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘪 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘶𝘵𝘪 𝘪𝘯 𝘐𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢. 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰.𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘵. 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘪𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯


Organizzare pranzi e cene con parenti e amici a Natale ti sta già preoccupando?

Il segreto è quello di non ridursi all’ultimo e di riuscire ad avere un’organizzazione perfetta affinchè tutto sia impeccabile.

Partiamo dalle basi: pulire approfonditamente la tua casa è la prima cosa da fare prima di accogliere gli ospiti! Ecco qualche consiglio per non sovraccaricarti di impegni e per far splendere i tuoi ambienti.

Anche se manca del tempo al Natale puoi iniziare a pulire i vetri: sembra scontato, ma lo fai una volta non ci pensi più!
La pulizia di tutti i vetri di casa può richiedere tempo, ma se lo fai nel modo giusto si manterranno puliti a lungo. Utilizzando il superpanno vetri, grazie al lato in microfibra e alla sua doppia azione, i tuoi vetri splenderanno!

Dove svolgerai pranzi e cene di Natale? Che sia in salotto, in sala da pranzo o in cucina, dovrai pulire in modo approfondito le stanze che accoglieranno i tuoi ospiti.
Inizia togliendo tutta la polvere accumulata su mobili e soprammobili. Se hai un servizio di piatti e bicchieri, inoltre, assicurati di lavarli (soprattutto se non li utilizzi dal Natale scorso!).
Aspira poi i pavimenti e soprattutto i tappeti se ne hai.
Ultimo passo: passa il mop più adatto alle superfici della tua casa e vedrai come tutto sarà pulito e profumato, pronto per le feste.

Prima del cenone prendi la tua scopa catturapolvere e passa velocemente in tutte le stanze. Adesso è il momento di pensare ad addobbare, apparecchiare e dare alla tua casa il tocco magico che solo il Natale è in grado di regalare.

Pronti per il momento più bello dell’anno? FASS augura a tutti Buone Feste!


The weekly work rhythm generates a high stress level that we daily have to face through.

During this crazy ran against time, thinking about house cleaning for many people is another obligation we must do; it means again less time to relax our mind.

But what happens if we change perspective? What if we use the lateral thinking approach? Have you ever tried to see house cleaning as a way to release the tension and stress of your days?

Transform you time in something productive and useful to your mind. Please remember:

It’s a moment just for you

In the frenzy of the rhythms that we are now used to sustaining, it is increasingly difficult to find a moment dedicated only to you.

Take advantage from the house cleaning moment to reflect on your projects, disconnect from daily pressures and focus only on what makes you feel good. We must find time for ourselves, it is a duty for our wellness.

It will make you feel better once you’re done, and doubly satisfied

Try to imagine cleaning operations as a ritual: open the windows, concentrate only on what you are doing and take the chance to get rid of the things you don’t need.

The clean air that invades the rooms accompanied by some perfumed fragrance will make you feel a great sense of peace once finished. Don’t you already feel better thinking about having everything clean and tidy?

You can make this moment exclusive

Everyone has got its own way to clean house: do you prefer silence and calm in Zen mode or music and singing improvisations?

If you want to reduce stress while you are cleaning we have the right tip for you! Turn the music on, turn up the volume and play our brand new Spotify playlist “Rock Wiped” to get your home perfectly clean with the hottest rock’s track.

You will see that enthusiasm will be high and stress will be only a distant memory!


Francesca ci racconta la differenza tra manico verniciato e plastificato 👇

Riconoscerli è semplice! I manici in plastica presentano all’estremità una parte in cui si intravede il ferro sottostante, cosa che non accade con quelli verniciati. Ciò li rende più sicuri sotto molti punti di vista.

Guarda subito il video per scoprire quali sono i vantaggi di acquistare un manico verniciato!



Summer is officially over and temperatures are down. What does it mean? Unfortunately it is the moment of the dreaded and highly postponed. Every year the idea of ​​wasting a whole day rearranging our wardrobe terrifies us, but we must see the glass half full… it is absolutely the best moment to do a thorough closet cleaning! We therefore want to give you some tips to clean it in the best way.

• Empty the wardrobe and proceed door by door
The best way to get a clear idea of ​​what we have inside our closet and to proceed with a targeted cleaning is to complete empty each section. The first thing to do will certainly be to remove all the dust that has been accumulated with a damp cloth, starting from the top parts: it prevents dust from falling onto already cleaned surfaces. We recommend starting with dust remover cloths, extremely light and electrostatic, passing to the traditional multi-purpose microfiber cloth for a deeper wife.

• Take your time and don’t rush
There is no escape, cleaning operations require time and as we use to say in Italian “patience is the virtue of the strong people”. Manual capability in this case makes the difference, because the cloths effectiveness is directly proportional to the time and quality used to remove dust. So put some music in the background, search our playlists on Spotify, relax and enjoy the sense of peace that will envelop you once you are done!

• Use the right products and tools
To carefully preserve the good condition of your wardrobe, try to avoid chemical products, choosing natural products such as Marseille soap and essential oils. Use an anti-scratch microfiber cloth to preserve your wardrobe surfaces. The microfiber guarantees maximum absorbency and leaves no streaks, perfect for time savings. Please do not underestimate, in addition to a deep cleaning, sanitation: think that the clothes you will wear have to stay there for many months.
Following these few simple tips you will have a clean and fragrant wardrobe for the whole season!


Francesca ci racconta la sua linea preferita di Fass: la linea Natural Green.

“La linea è molto completa, studiata nei dettagli e che presenta una cura molto particolare nel design e anche nei materiali, tutti naturali”. Queste sono le motivazioni per cui Francesca ha scelto proprio il set Natural Green.

Guarda subito il video per scoprire tutte le caratteristiche dei prodotti all’interno del set e per scoprire qual è il suo preferito!

NATURAL GREEN è una linea di articoli prodotti con materiali certificati, provenienti da un processo di riconversione post-industriale e/o post consumo.
Il Kit Natural Green comprende:

  • Secchio ovale 12 litri, manico con impugnatura in gomma e strizzatore con gancio blocca manico.
  • 3 diverse tipologie di mop: un mop in cotone, un mop in microfibra e un mop in cotone e microfibra.
  • Scopa da interni per tutti i tipi di superfici.
  • Scopa da interni/esterni per interni ed esterni.
  • Paletta con bordo in gomma e spazzola
  • 2 Manici componibili cm 120 in acciaio verniciati con polvere anti-ruggine.


At home, everyone has their own habits and theories, especially for cleaning. The methods, the time taken and the “tricks” are rituals that differentiate each of us.

For example; do you think it is more functional to clean the house in the morning or in the evening? This is a topic on which people are divided, particularly for the lifestyle of each of us.

In fact, there are people who argue that the best time to clean is in the morning. Let’s see why:
– It helps to start the day in a more organized and peaceful way
– Cleaning in the evening after a working day can be heavy and further tiring
– Spending the day without the thought of going home and start cleaning can make us look forward with more happiness to the moment of relax that we will be able to enjoy on our return

Keisuke Matsumoto, a Buddhist monk, supports this theory and he also wrote a book where he states that cleaning in the morning, before the world wakes up, will make us feel completely satisfied and relieved, while instead it can’t happen in the evening, when the spirit would also be different and heavier.

Who on the other hand, decides to clean up in the evening, why does he do it?
– Surely one of the reasons is t that in the morning we are all in a hurry and in the evening usually we can do things more calmly and without haste
– At the end of the day, cleaning could be a good way to relieve stress after daily commitments
– Cleaning in the morning can be a way to not postpone until the next day what you can do now, so that you wake up without any thought but in the best mood possible

In short, whether you are a morning or evening cleaning person, the important thing is that you are in the right mood but above all that you use the right tools!

When do you prefer to do cleaning operations at home? Share this article with your friends and compare their feedback with yourself: it will be fun to listen everyone’s preference.